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What is keeping her alive?
We are. She can't eat or drink or breathe on her own.
Well...what happens now?
Nothing happens. We wait.
You can't just leave her like this!
There's no choice.
There's always a choice. I'll see you in court!

Case Summary:
Sleeping Beauty lies motionless in a hospital bed for what seems like 100 years. Her parents (the King and Queen) cling to the hope that she will someday awaken. Her prince returns from battle but alas his kiss does not succeed, and he cannot bear to see her like this. These familiar fairy tale characters argue issues of quality of life, biomedical ethics, family, and community values. The tale and trial pivot on the relationships between parents, children, doctors, lawyers, and two young people who are in love. As tensions and emotions flare, the Prince, the Queen, and the King end up in court.
The Case of Sleeping Beauty
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