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The Case of Hansel and Gretel

Case Summary:
Hansel and Gretel's father has lost the custody of his children after abandoning them them in the woods, leaving them in the clutches of an evil witch and her twisted candy house. The case brings up questions about parental responsibility, juvenile delinquency, and the impact poverty has on the stability of a household. Like most children, Gretel desperately wants to return to her father's house, in spite of his weakness and neglect. Is that really what's best for her? What about Hansel? In our contemporary retelling, he is angry and dissolute. What is best for him? Even though they both want different things, should the siblings stay together? They will have their day in court!
Am I under arrest?
No. This is not a criminal matter. Sir, we have eyewitnesses who say your children have been roaming the woods for several weeks, abandoned by their parents.
What business is it of yours? It's my family
Children are not property. You cannot treat them like property. We are taking them into protective custody.
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