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Rumplestiltskin vs. 

The Queen 


A promise is a promise. You better give me that baby or you're going to be sorry.
The Queen: 
It isn't fair! I didn't know what I was doing. I'm not giving you my baby! I have a much better idea...
Yeah, me too! There's only one way to settle this!

Case Summary:

A greedy King has been told that a young woman, the daughter of a humble miller, can spin straw into gold! He locks her in the castle overnight, in a room full of straw and demands she do the deed, or else he will have her executed. Incapable of fulfilling this task, she is in despair until an elf named Rumplestiltskin appears. He agrees to perform the alchemy she requires, if she will promise to give him her first born child. She agrees, and Rumple turns the straw into gold! The King marries the young girl and they have a child. The elf returns. She refuses to keep her promise, and Rumple’s rage fuels a battle in court. He seeks legal counsel and sues the Queen for breach of contract. In spite of the Queen's repeated attempts to settle the matter privately with money, this elf wants the baby. He demands his day in court!

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